To streamline your bookings, we’ve migrated your account to a new system. But big changes like this are not without their growing pains, and we want you to know we’re doing everything we can to make it a smooth process.
For existing users, your account is already set up!
FIRST: Click on any “booking” link and select “Sign In” on the top right.
SECOND: Enter your email or phone number, then select one of the two login options…
If either of these options doesn’t seem to work for you, please reach out to us via phone or text, and we’ll be able to help you from there. Sometimes, having more than one account, inaccurate contact information, or even something like a middle initial in our files may result in you getting stuck.
We sincerely appreciate your patience while we go through this transition. Our expectation is that this will ultimately be a more pleasant booking experience for you.
We’ll share the latest beauty and wellness insights, artist stories, and special offers with you.